Ассоциация строителей газового и нефтяного комплексов

Self-regulated organization Association of gas and oil complex builders (SRO ASGINK)

In 2009, in the Russian Federation, the functions of control over the qualification of construction organizations and their construction activities were transferred from the licensing state authority to the system of self-regulated construction organizations, with the obligatory participation of all organizations engaged in construction.

The following goals of self-regulation have been defined:

- control over the qualification of SRO members.

- improving the quality of construction.

- ensuring that members of the Association fulfil their obligations under construction contracts.

In compliance with the law of the Russian Federation and in order to create a key industrial self-regulated organization, a number of the largest companies operating in the oil and gas construction industry have decided to unite and establish the Self-regulated organization, Association of gas and oil complex builders (hereinafter referred to as the Association).

Our Association was registered in September 2009.

Our Association is supported by leading ordering customers of the oil and gas complex, such as Gazprom PJSC, Gazprom Neft PJSC, NK Rosneft PJSC, NOVATEK PJSC, etc.

As part of the implementation of the signed cooperation agreements, the Association builds mutual relationships between the members of SRO ASGINK and government authorities, industrial unions and associations, industrial educational institutions.

The operation of the Association Council is assisted by the heads of such major industrial customers and general contractors as Gazprom PJSC, Gazprom Neft PJSC, NOVATEK PJSC, Gazprom Invest LLC, Gazstroyprom LLC, STROYGAZMONTAZH OJSC, Gazprombank OJSC, Gazprom Gaznadzor LLC, Svarochno-Montazhny Trest OJSC, Group of companies Corporation GazEnergoStroy.

Joining theSelf-regulated organization Association of gas and oil complex builders willallow your organization to:

1) comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, regarding the availability of permits for pursuit of construction activities within the Russian Federation.

2) get an opportunity to exchange experience and expand contacts by participating in business events held by the Association and its Partners (conferences, panel discussions, exhibitions), such as:

- International Business Congress (IBC);

- International Young Scientists Awards in the Field of Oil and Gas: A Glance into the Future;

- Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

- Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE);

- Non-profit partnership Russian Gas Society (NP RGS);

- Moscow oil and gas conferences, etc.

3) get an opportunity to implement joint activities within the framework of cooperation agreements concluded by the Association with federal executive authorities, leading national industrial universities and other contributors to the development of the oil and gas industry, such as:

- Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation;

- Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation;

- Union Oil and Gas Producers of Russia;

- Union of Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturers;

- V. I. Vernadsky Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation;

- Non-profit organization National Union for Bioenergy, Renewable Energy Sources and Ecology "NUBE";

- Engineering Oil and Gas Company - All-Union Research Institute for Construction, Operation of Pipelines and Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities;

- Non-profit partnership for assistance in the implementation of programs for introduction of innovative technologies in the field of anticorrosive protection of objects of the oil and gas industry "SOPCOR" (NP "SOPCOR");

- Scientific and Industrial Association of Valve Manufacturers;

- International nongovernmental foundation N.K. Baibakov Foundation for the Promotion of Economic Development;

- Non-state educational institution Corporate Institute of Gazprom, PJSC;

- FSFEI HE I. M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University);

- FSFEI HE Ukhta State Technical University;

- FSUE Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA);

- Association of energy scientists and specialists Energy and Civil Society.

4) become a part of the association of professional builders of the oil and gas industry :

Members of our Association have participated in the construction of the following major projects:

- Yamal Megaproject: Bovanenkovo - Ukhta, Bovanenkovo - Ukhta-2, Bovanenkovo gas field, Kharasavey gas field.

- Eastern Gas program: Power of Siberia , Amur ­Gas ­Processing Plant, Vladivostok-LNG, Kovyktinskoye field, Chayandinskoye field .

- Gas pipelines: Blue Stream, Yamal - Europe, Nord Stream, Nord Stream-2, Turkish Stream (South Stream).

- Infrastructure projects: Crimean Bridge, Russian Bridge (bridge on Russky island (Vladivostok)), Multifunctional Terminal Handler Ust-Luga, etc.

The amount of the works executed by the members of our Association: over 20 trillion roubles.

The number of employees of the members of our Association: over 100,000 people.

Looking forward to building Partnering relationships with your organization!

Contacts for joining our Association:

Phone: +7 (495) 369-00-75.

Email: info@asgink.ru

Postal address: Profsoyuznaya str., 56, 19th floor, room 55, Moscow, RF, 117393

Location address of the organization: Profsoyuznaya str., 56, 19th floor, room 55, Moscow, RF
